Time&Date: 16:00-18:00 Nov.2.2011
Venue: Seminar Room 5502, Qingdao Intemational Convention&Exhibition Center
会议主要内容/Topic Outline:
海洋之友( FOS)是一个非营利性非政府机构,致力于通过市场激励机制来保护海洋栖息地。海洋之友发展该项目,监测和推动来自可持续性发展的捕捞和养殖业的海产品。海洋之友的发起源自地球岛研究所的海豚安全项目。海洋之友遵循FAO的要求对海洋捕捞渔业的鱼及渔产品使用生态标签。
Friend of the Sea (FOS) is a non-profit organisation for the conservation of marine habitat by means of
marketincentives. FOS certifies and promotes seafood and products From sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.
FOSoriginates From the Earth Island Institute’s Dolphin Safe project. FOS follows the FAO guidelines for theecolabellingof fish and fishery products From marine capture fisheries.
与会者可以/The meeting will allow participants to:
- Acquire the latest sustainable fishing and aquaculture news
- Gain a knowledge of the environmental impact problems facing fishing production
- Gain a full understanding of how the Friend of the Sea project works and how to join
- Get to know the International companies who already have Friend of the Sea certificated products
电子邮件 / Email: paolobray@FriendoftheSea.org www.friendofthesea.org